Archive: November 2022
ACAN Natural Materials Masterclass: Brimstone & Thermal modification
November 7, 2022
On 7 Nov, the Architects CAN Natural Materials group hosted a free webinar on using local timber. The Natural Materials Masterclass on Specifying, Growing and Using UK Timber featured expert speakers including our MD Tom Barnes. Read on for more about the speakers, and for Tom's slides from his talk on thermally modified timber. Abo...
Is England suffering from deforestation?
October 11, 2022
Despite headline-hitting pledges to oversee a massive expansion of our woodlands to help combat climate change, progress in England has been incremental and there is growing evidence that we are losing trees quicker than they are being replaced. Deforestation? In England? You’d be forgiven for thinking that deforestation can’t be a ...
Why we need a UK Timber Strategy – our submission to the EAC
September 8, 2022
If we want home-grown timber in 40-years’ time, then we really must plan for it now. There is an urgent need for a National Timber Strategy, and we may have a chance to help shape it. The Environmental Audit Committee called for evidence for their inquiry into the UK timber industry and global deforestation. [UPDATE - In July 20...
Timber innovation: Rooted Landscapes investigates broadleaf glulam construction.
August 11, 2022
We were delighted to donate timber to Connie Beuchamp, a student who is completing her Masters in Architecture at the University of Arts London. Connie’s ‘Rooted Landscapes’ project explores topics that are very close to our own hearts. We asked her to tell us more about the project: I am an architectural designer and material re...
Community forestry film supported by the 1% Woodland Tax
July 28, 2022
Thinking deeper on community forestry: A new film supported by the 1% Woodland Tax A new film on community forestry has received a grant from the '1% Woodland Tax,' a fund from Vastern Timber to help forests thrive. Filmmaker Alice Carfrae has been commissioned by Timber Strategies to make a documentary film that explores what communi...
Apply for funding to help British woodlands
June 22, 2022
Is your organisation striving to protect, improve or expand British Woodlands? If you’re nodding enthusiastically, you could apply for one of our grants. How does it work? We’ve recently created our 1% woodland tax. A pledge to donate 1% of our annual turnover to help keep local woodlands thriving. We’re usin...
About Our Timber Purchasing Policy
Since 1904, our timber purchasing policy has been to source wood locally. Our timber purchasing policy document was last updated in 2021, and it is available to download below. Here's a summary: Our Responsibility We understand that we have a responsibility to the environment, our staff, customers and suppliers. ...
Vastern Timber joins Business Declares
June 9, 2022
Before we start, let’s be clear. We fully acknowledge the climate emergency. And recognise that we humans are the cause of it. We also understand that our business has a choice right now. We can carry on as normal and be part of the problem. Or take action and be part of the solution. Our decision is to act. And to be accounta...
Five reasons why timber is so expensive right now
May 10, 2022
If you’ve been looking at buying wood lately, you may have been surprised. The price of many of the popular wood species has doubled over the last couple of years. And, while standard building softwood seems to have levelled off or dropped back a bit, more specialist woods like oak are getting more expensive. The big question is: ...
Forest School Journal: Preparing the ground for Project Grow
February 4, 2022
Shared Earth Learning is a forest school in Somerset that supports disadvantaged young people. As we’re sponsoring their newest initiative, we’re delighted to hear what they’ve been up to: It’s become a tradition that Shared Earth Learning Forest School gives the land, and the students, a break in January, while the...